Multi-Hop Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs

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Janadhi Uyanhewage
Viraj Welgama
Ruvan Weerasinghe


Multi-Hop Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs (MHQA-KG) plays a pivotal role in various applications, including but not limited to Question Answering, Recommendation Systems, and Semantic Search. Nevertheless, current models for MHQA have limitations in their ability to grasp all the information included in the question, resulting a reduction in accuracy when producing answers. In order to mitigate this limitation, this paper proposes a novel Multi-Hop Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs approach. It mainly utilizes question and path embedding to answer multi-hop questions, significantly i mproving a ccuracy. T his approach effectively captures auxiliary information that may present in the question. The experimental findings provide evidence that the suggested methodology outperforms the current state-of-the-art models, achieving highly accurate outcomes with improvements

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